Maldives Standards and Metrology Centre (MSMU)
The standards formulation is an activity for uniformity and unambiguity in the process of development of standards. The standards activity is normally spread over in the standards body with different departments and sections. It is therefore necessary to have uniformity in constitution of committees, calling the meetings of the committees, deliberations of the committees and follow up of the decisions of the committees. This guide aims at bringing uniformity in approach by all those engaged in the development of standards at the national level in line with TBT Code of Practice for Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.
This guide describes the general aims and principles of standardization in brief, explains functions of standardization set up in Maldives Standards and Metrology Centre (MSMC), and outlines the procedures governing the preparation of Maldives Standards and routine activities followed to achieve the aim. This also includes relevant ISO/IEC directives for International Standards work. The procedures are aligned with the “Code of good practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards” as required, Maldives being a signatory to the WTO-TBT Agreement (Article 4, Annex 3 of TBT).
Need and Relevance of Standards
The global economy today centres round technology, standardization, transnational production systems and international competitiveness. The traditional natural boundaries and trade barriers are diminishing with a far reaching technological and industrial developments taking place affecting global economy. The interdependence of nations has increased. This has led to a demand for a common denominator for evaluating and judging quality needs in the world market. The Standardization plays a major role in assimilation of technology, effecting economy in production and stimulating competitiveness.
Standardization encapsulates technological results and becomes instrument for an organized development of industries to meet international challenges for quality. The non-tariff barriers to international trade have been a subject of intense focus. Standards and conformity assessment systems are the main instruments used by different countries to create barriers for free flow of goods and services. To mitigate obstacles to international trade, the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) has been brought out for facilitating international trade. Standardization, regulation and conformity assessment systems form core of this agreement as it is widely recognized to support economic development, facilitating trade and improving the quality of life through encapsulating new technologies in usable tools for industry. These benefits have been further reinforced by reference to standards in contracts, legislation, public purchasing and by using them as a basis for certification.